Ms. Todd

My name is Ms. Todd and I am so excited to spend the year with your child, helping them be successful, independent, and responsible young learners! I will update this blog weekly so check often for updates, upcoming events, and ways you can volunteer.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hope all of you have had a long and relaxing weekend!
Our sight words for this week will be:
 (yes, all, were, she, me)

I have sent home a list of sightwords for first grade. Please keep them in your childs "GO" book.  It would be a great idea for you to go over these often with your child. This will enhance their fluency and reading comprehension.
Starting this week we will have sight word tests each Friday, only on the words for the week. They will have to spell the word correctly and use it in a sentence.

Let me give you some ideas for practicing sight words :)

- Rainbow writing: writing the word over and over again but each time with a different color crayon
- Pyramid writing: for the word "have" you would write "h" on the top line, "ha" on the next line, "hav" on the one below that, and finally "have" on the last row.
- Use shaving cream on a plate and have your child practice writing the words in shaving cream
-Write the words on notecards and place them in various spots. The children can jump or hop to each word.
-Use the word in a sentence
-Play a matching game with the words on index cards (written twice) and flipped over so that the written side is down. They have a match when they pick up 2 of the same words
-Stamp their words
-Use a white crayon on white paper to write the word, paint over it with water color paint and the word will shine through

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy November!

Welcome, parents and guardians of my sweet first grade students! I am thrilled to finally have this blog up and running! My hopes are for this to be a tool for you to be able to see what is going on in our classroom, important information, and ways you can volunteer. I will update this each week. At the bottom of the blog you will "sea" what we are learning. I encourage you to read this each week and talk about it with your little one at home.  If you have any suggestions or comments please leave me one! I am looking forward to hearing from you :).