Ms. Todd

My name is Ms. Todd and I am so excited to spend the year with your child, helping them be successful, independent, and responsible young learners! I will update this blog weekly so check often for updates, upcoming events, and ways you can volunteer.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hope you had a great....


I know that I did, and hoping the same for all of you! This time of the school year is hard. It is the last long stretch of the year and the temperatures make it hard for the kids to stay focused all day. We will always be going outside for recess to get rid of the wiggles, and occasionally go out for reading or writing. If you have any extra clipboards, we would love to use them! Send them on in :) ! As always, I am happy to help in any way with questions or concerns. Please email me at  and we can set up a conference.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Free books!

Cheerio’s Spoonful of Stories!
Cheerios®, through its Spoonfuls of Stories® program, has once again put six million free children’s books inside specially-marked cereal
boxes. To celebrate the program’s 10th anniversary and encourage parents to read with their children, Cheerios will hold special “Breakfast & A Book” reading events in select cities across the country, including Charlotte!
During the event, local TV meteorologist Larry Sprinkle will read a selection of books to a small group of children, all of whom will go home with a gift bag that comes with three new books.
Would you be interested in sharing information on this reading with your students’ parents? We would love if they are able to attend the reading at the Lowes Food located on 16045 Johnston Road in Charlotte on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 1:45 p.m.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring has SPRUNG~

Hello lovely parents!

Sight words for this week: by, five, nine, could, would

The kids are really enjoying their club time with Mrs. Serkin each Friday! They are loving creating different foods that coincide with the stories they read and discuss. Continue working hard on homework and taking time each night for your child to read for at least 20 minutes!

We are in need of some supplies! Please see "our fish wish for" to find out what we are in need of!

~ new website for your child to play on...  ENJOY! :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

loving.... DR SEUSS!

Happy Dr. Seuss week!!!! - That is right, a whole week dedicated to a great childrens author!

We will be focusing in on one of his famous books each day and incorporating it in throughout all of our subject areas. I am thrilled to celebrate with your little one.

Important info for this week:
Tuesday - Spring picture day
Wednesday - tornado drill
Thursday - Ci Ci's pizza night
Friday - wear your favorite college attire!!!  GOOOOOOOOOO ECU!!!

*Read with your little one before you tuck them in! They need you!

Happy week,
Ms. Todd

Monday, February 27, 2012

Last week in February!

Yay! We have just started clubs at Sterling. Our class has the pleasure of Mrs. Serkin coming in each friday to teach our club to our class. She is doing a "book and cook" club for our class. It is going to be awesome! A great way to extend a book and really dive into comprehension. She is aware of food allergies, so do not be alarmed.

Please bring in your box tops and any kind of plastic bags! We are working with Harris Teeter at a chance to win $1,000 for our school... just by bringing in a plastic bag! Lets work together and do this :)

Words this week: any, from, water, annoy, voice, because

Looking ahead:

DR. SEUSS WEEK! (please look for a red sheet about parent readers coming in to help read and celebrate Dr. Seuss!)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The groundhog saw its shadow...

...and it is cold!
Please don't forget to bundle your kids up!

Sight words this week:


If you would like to send in valentines that is perfectly fine, we will share them on Tuesday :) Happy LOVE day!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A few new things!

The kids have probably told you that I have moved their desks around quite a bit! - I have :)... I like a little change every now and again! I have added  an important part to the kids "GO book." It is a sleeve with a poem of the week in it. It will always be double sided to save paper, but the focus is only one per week. This weeks poem of the week is "One Hundred." They are to read it aloud 5 times each night along with their nightly homework. This will help them a lot to build their fluency and express emotion as they read. Friday is optional recite day. They may choose to memorize the poem and sit in my lighthouse chair to recite to the class. This is their chance to really shine!

Sight words this week:

saw, blue, one, right, even

Monday, January 16, 2012

....short week

Happy MLK day to all of you!

Today I am thankful for Dr. Martin Luther King. I am thankful that I am able to teach a variety of children that come from all different backgrounds. I am thankful that at school, we are a big family! I hope you have had time to reflect on how lucky we are!

Sight words this week:


*Along with these words and their homework, please always look over your personalized sight word list that is in their "GO BOOK"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Week!

It is going to be much warmer this week than last... I am excited to take the kids out much more this week! This weather is crazy!

Sight words this week:


Here is a great website for your little one to practice sightwords on at home - just go to: and you will find great practice games!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hope all of you had a wonderful time with family and friends celebrating such a joyous holiday! I have missed your little ones...

Sight words this week:

Please keep practicing sight words that are in your childs "Go Book!"